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Chateau Hauteville Saint-Estephe (750ml)
This wine made from 50% Cabernet Sauvignon and 50% Merlot. It has a very rich tannic structure and a beautiful deep red color. it is intense and highly concentrated with robust texture and flavor, full-bodied, though not excessively. it can be aged for a very long time.
- Producer:
- Region:
- Alcohol%:
- Kosher for Passover
- Hauteville
- France
- 13%
- Yes
- Varietals:
- Wine Size:
- Dryness:
- Wine Type:
- Mevushal:
- Bordeaux
- 750ml
- Dry
- Red Wine
- Not Mevushal
Food Pairing
Pairs well with grilled steaks, lamb, and game dishes.
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